Introduction to Digital Media

Permission Required:
Digital Media
3.00 Credits

Course Description:

This course introduces the theory and practice of creating art with digital tools. Students will utilize industry standard digital imaging, sound design, and animation programs. The basic theory and techniques of creating digital images with digital cameras and scanners will be covered. Capturing and editing digital audio will also be covered, plus the fundamentals of digital video. The course includes hands-on projects in image creation and editing, sound creation and editing, plus animation. It will stress the conceptual, aesthetic and technical concerns of digital media, emphasizing creativity and experimenting with the medium. The class will also provide an overview of the field of digital media art by exploring the works of prominent digital artists and a wide variety of career paths in the digital arts.

PHSC Course Schedule: Introduction to Digital Media

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Summer 2024
Section Availability Dates Days Meeting Time Location Delivery Bldg/Room Instructor Credit Hours Clock Hours Fees Comments
4482 Full 05/06/2024-07/11/2024 Online
Hanan Hanna 3.00 45.00
Available through Canvas any time throughout the semester offering a high level of flexibility.