Microcomputer Software Essentials

Permission Required:
Computer Technology and Skills
3.00 Credits
3.00 Hours

Course Description:

While expanding on hardware skills, this course emphasizes the use of the current Windows operating systems to configure, troubleshoot, optimize, diagnose, conduct preventive maintenance and secure modern computers in a mobile or corporate environment. The course is based on the objectives of the CompTIA A+ Essentials exams. Lab fee required.

PHSC Course Schedule: Microcomputer Software Essentials

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Summer 2024
Section Availability Dates Days Meeting Time Location Delivery Bldg/Room Instructor Credit Hours Clock Hours Fees Comments
4462 Open 05/06/2024-07/11/2024 Online
Rene Brioso 3.00 45.00
Available through Canvas any time throughout the semester offering a high level of flexibility.