JavaScript Programming

Permission Required:
Computer Programming
(COP1000 and CGS1820)
3.00 Credits

Course Description:

This course provides an understanding of structured programming concepts used to create dynamic and interactive webpages, preparing students for the CIW JavaScript Specialist Industry Certification. Students will learn how to work with data, variables, functions, methods, and events in JavaScript as well as how to control program flow and change HTML dynamically. Using object-based technology, students will gain fundamental concepts like the Document Object Model (DOM), JavaScript language and custom objects, and knowledge of debugging and troubleshooting JavaScript programs. We also explore JavaScript security, libraries, and frameworks.Lab fee required.

PHSC Course Schedule: JavaScript Programming

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Summer 2024
Section Availability Dates Days Meeting Time Location Delivery Bldg/Room Instructor Credit Hours Clock Hours Fees Comments
4540 Open 05/06/2024-07/11/2024 Online
Glynis Holden 3.00 45.00
Available through Canvas any time throughout the semester offering a high level of flexibility.